Gourmet advice



Some tips on how to enjoy fruit brandy:

The right glass
A good brandy asks for a glass that allows for the rich filigree of flavors to come into its own. The open jigger is not suitable for the enjoyment of brandy. Modern brandy glasses have long stems to provide the necessary distance to hand odors. They are tulip-shaped, which allows for the aroma to rise and gather in the funnel of the glass. Glasses with a lid prevent the aroma from dissipating, and release it only shortly before consumption.

Drinking Temperature
Contrary to common notions, fruit brandies should not be enjoyed too cold. Their aroma cannot unfold properly and bad secondary flavors are covered up, so that the quality of the brandy cannot be judged properly. If you really want to judge and enjoy a good-quality brandy, comsume it at room temperature.

Drinking Culture
A good brandy calls for leisure. Pour a little into the glass and give it a second to develop its full flavor. If the brandy is too cool, warm the glass in the palm of your hand to maximize its aroma. If you use a glass with lid, no flavor nuance will escape. Drink slowly and let the flavors sink in.

Store your brandy in a cool dark place, since warmth and sunlight will adversely affect the quality of the brandy. Open bottles in particular will promote the dissipation of flavors. Therefore, you should not store an opened bottle for years in your home bar.