Gourmet advice



Snowflakes with vanilla cream:

1/4 l milk
2 egg yolks
40 g white sugar
2 tbsp cornstarch
4 egg-whites, whipped
5 tbsp white sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
8 biscuits
raspberry liqueur

Bring milk to boil. Use mixer to make a frothy cream from yokes and white sugar. Add cornstarch. Mix cream into hot milk, bring to boil but take away from oven immediately. Add vanilla sugar. Pour mass into ovenproof glass dish. Beat egg-whites and mix with 5 tbsp of sugar. Use spoon to put flakes of egg-white onto the cream. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake in oven for 15-20 minutes at 175° Celsius. Dip biscuits partly into raspberry liqueur and serve with cream.

Parfait with apple and hazelnut:

2 eggs
0,25 l whipped cream
2-4 tbsp honey
100 g hazelnuts
200 g apples (slightly sour variety)
1 lemon peel
2-3 tbsp apple brandy
1 cinnamon stick

Separate eggs. To beaten whites of eggs, add 1 tbsp of honey. Mix yokes with rest of honey. Roast hazelnuts on a baking tray, cut to slices. Mince apples and lemon peel with blender. Season with apple brandy and grated cinnamon stick. Mix everything carefully. Pour into a square dish or baking tin and freeze.

Parfait with plums and walnuts:

Pretty much same idea as apple parfait. Just chop walnuts, but do not roast them. Use brandy of damson plum instead of apple brandy.